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Monday, August 07, 2006

It's got to be football season

The temperature is pushing its way through the 90s so that can mean only one thing -- football season.

Today, the preps and the college football players around the state and country join their professional brethren on the football field. And it's a scorcher, not only in the South, but across the country.

Fortunately, cooler heads, so to speak, have begun to prevail. You're seeing more teams on all levels get away from the weeks of two-a-day practices in favor of the two-one-two-one format. That would be two practices on one day and just one the next. That format allows for players' bodies to recover in a more effective manner than the two-a-days of old.

Of course, there is probably some old former high school player out there who longs for the days of two-a-days, no water and vomiting on the practice field. But this is one time that newer is better.


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